Now that it is the autumn season how about taking advantage of the weather during this time by having some outdoor entertainment. There are a plethora of options to choose from when wanting to entertain yourself or your guests outdoors for the fall season. However, depending on where you live can affect what activities you plan on doing. So take a look at the tips below and see how you can liven up your autumn outdoor activities this year.
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Create the ideal lighting for the outdoors:
Setting the right ambience for your activities is important, so begin with the lights. The sun sets earlier than when it did during the summer months so being able to saver more hours for you plans will need proper lighting. Try installing some landscaping and architectural lighting around your plants, patio, water features, arbor, and canopy areas. For the tables and stands set down some candles and lanterns. Also, never underestimate the soothing warmth of having lighting draped around the fire-pit or outdoor fireplace, a tree or nearby pole.
Image via: Houzz
Use the autumn colors for your garden furniture decor:
Another way to add to the autumn flare is by using the wonderful colors that the autumn season gives us each year. Take the dull reds, vibrant golds, rich burnt oranges, earthly browns and tie them together in your garden furniture décor. Use them in the throw pillows, to the area rugs, to the plush blankets and the all-weather cushions that have the ability to be switched out seasonally. You and your guests will positively adore how the colors will bring out the most to the atmosphere. Also, the colors will help so that you will not have to overly decorate the space.
Image via: Houzz
Add the outdoor (summer) kitchen to the entertainment:
We all know that usually the outdoor kitchen is primarily suggested to be used during the summer months. However, that is not always necessarily true. You can still use the kitchen during the fall time. So during this autumn season turn up the grill and host a cookout for your friends and family. Nothing beats sitting in the outdoors, eating great food and letting nature just entertain you with its changes. Also, consider doing a potluck that way everyone can be a part of the festivities. While the autumn season is here take full advantage of it before the winter sets in. You can still have fun outdoors don’t stop yourself just because the weather has made a slight change. A tip for the table décor set out some fruits and vegetables in autumn colored vases and bowls. If you decide on putting out some foliage that is bursting out then use planters to help contain them. This will, like the candles and lanterns, add variety and texture to the outdoor entertaining experience. So get up, get out and enjoy yourself this fall season with the greatest outdoor entertainment you’ve ever known.
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